

Approval and implementation of recommended practices for the management of supervision and monitoring at facilities of the chemical, petrochemical, and oil refining industry.
Об утверждении и введении в действие методических рекомендаций по организации надзорной и контрольной деятельности на предприятиях химической, нефтехимической и нефтеперерабатывающей промышленности.

Document Number/Номер документа: Resolution 101 of 07 30 01


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Approval and implementation of recommended practices for the management of supervision and monitoring at facilities of the chemical, petrochemical, and oil refining industry.
Approval and implementation of recommended practices for the management of supervision and monitoring at facilities of the chemical, petrochemical, and oil refining industry.

Document Number/Номер документа: 137-89

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Approval and implementation of recommended practices for the management of supervision and monitoring at facilities of the chemical, petrochemical, and oil refining industry.
Approval and implementation of recommended practices for the management of supervision and monitoring at facilities of the chemical, petrochemical, and oil refining industry.

Document Number/Номер документа: 10-49-94

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Approval and implementation of recommended practices for the management of supervision and monitoring at facilities of the chemical, petrochemical, and oil refining industry.
Approval and implementation of recommended practices for the management of supervision and monitoring at facilities of the chemical, petrochemical, and oil refining industry.

Document Number/Номер документа: Инструкция N 56 от 07.02.1998

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